WorldWise Global Schools (WWGS) was established in 2013. Since then, the programme has worked with 550 schools nationwide, in pursuit of our aim to integrate Global Citizenship Education into all aspects of teaching and learning at post-primary level. We do this by providing a comprehensive range of supports and interventions for schools — including grant funding, training, events, resources and personalised support from our staff team.
Global Citizenship Education is about really getting to the root of inequality and injustice in the world today and doing something about it! When teaching and learning about Global Citizenship these roots and an explanation about how the world works is essential. Remember, the most important question in GCE is ‘Why?’. The students will identify with issues of unfairness but digging deep for the reasons and the root causes are essential. There are a myriad of themes and issues relating to Global Citizenship Education that you can explore with your students. You may choose these based on issues covered in the curriculum; an issue you are interested in and feel confident exploring with your students; students’ interests and/or what is happening in the news. Please see below for a range of themes/issues that can be explored: